We haven’t Heard from Him. Is It Worth Contacting Him?

Reader Question:

I have been spending time with this guy on / off for a cocasual hook uple several months. He has already been using much more initiative to get collectively. Finally weekend we sought out to dinner, which we never announced a «date,» but we wound up investing the remainder night together.

Towards the end of night, he began cuddling with myself (holding hands, working hands through hair, feet intertwined). At the end of the night as he walked us to my vehicle, we kissed him. You will findn’t heard from him since.

Would it be worth contacting him?

-Irene (Montana)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Answer:


NO!!!! leave him chase you some. I am wanting to know who was simply much more literally hostile thereon day.

You probably didn’t state «the guy kissed myself» or «We kissed.» You mentioned you kissed him.

Could which have frightened him off?

I believe you need to put reasonable for some time whatever the case. Contain yourself and wait observe their after that action.

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