PancakeSwap v2 Trade Volume, Trade Pairs & Trust Score

You will receive an email with instructions for how to confirm your email address in a few minutes. Stake LP tokens, earn CAKE. You take on a little more exposure to market fluctuations than with the Syrup Pools, but can earn higher APR to offset what is bitvolt the risk. Share your wallet QR Code or Address with anyone over messaging or any other apps. Connect your crypto wallet to start using the app in seconds. Trade any token on BNB Smart Chain in seconds, just by connecting your wallet.

pancake swap

This code allows for easy access to different information through a mobile device. Send Tokens in seconds to any BSC compatible address. Best part there are no sending fees other than BSC Network fee.

Used by millions.

PancakeSwap has the most users of any decentralized platform, ever. We are raffling 10,000 BNB Worth between all our holders who have more than 6 BNB Tokens or 300 CAKES on their account. Get the latest crypto news, updates, and reports by subscribing to our free newsletter. Earn CAKE and other tokens for free with super high interest rates.

  • We are raffling 10,000 BNB Worth between all our holders who have more than 6 BNB Tokens or 300 CAKES on their account.
  • Itsname derives from «Quick Response Code», due to the speed at which they can be scanned.
  • Create a new wallet or import an existing account.
  • Stake CAKE, earn free tokens.
  • Get the latest crypto news, updates, and reports by subscribing to our free newsletter.

New projects join the party frequently, so you can earn more, for even longer. Reduce your time on research and focus more on trading. Pancakeswap Mobile shows you what tokens are trending on Pancakeswap.

Earn passive income with crypto.

First time using Pancakeswap ? Pancakeswap Mobile is for everyone.

You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes. Simply put, we can say that the QR code is the natural evolution of the barcode. Itsname derives from «Quick Response Code», due to the speed at which they can be scanned.

Earn Trading Fees

CoinGecko provides a fundamental analysis of the crypto market. PancakeSwap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange established in 2020. Currently, there are 3157 coins and 3499 trading pairs available on the exchange. PancakeSwap 24h volume is reported to be at $51,565,713.14, a change of -2.37% in the last 24 hours.

pancake swap

Easily swap any BSC compatible token right from the app. With Fast Native swaps stay ahead of competition and execute timely trades. Create a new wallet or import an existing account. Your keys are safe with you and only you.

Low fees

The most active trading pair is WBNB/USDT with a 24h volume of $7,732,956.27. Stake CAKE, earn free tokens. CAKE holders right now are earning tens of millions of USD worth of free tokens each week from major projects.